Learn helpful tips and tricks to ensure that the content of your agency's social media attracts the largest possible audience, while being accessible to individuals with disabilities.
This webinar will review best practices to follow when preparing and deploying social media for an agency. It will also present an overview of the Federal Social Media Accessibility Toolkit - a key accessibility resource, brought to you by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), the U.S. General Services Administration's Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies and the Social Media Accessibility Working Group, a committee within the Federal Social Media Community of Practice.
Created with the input of social media leaders and users across government and the private sector, the Toolkit provides platform-specific tips to improve the accessibility of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogs. The presenters in this session will discuss best practices, helpful tips, and will provide real-life examples to ensure that the content of an agency's social media is usable and accessible to all citizens.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: The intended audience for this training includes federal employees who are involved with agency outreach and communication in their jobs, such as social media content managers and communication specialists. Areas to be addressed include internal and external communications, public affairs, web communications, and effective uses of social media.