Webinar Session Details

Managing for Accessibility Throughout the Acquisition Lifecycle

Tuesday, September 29, 2020
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Eastern Time Zone


Ensuring that accessibility is accounted for and managed throughout the various steps of the federal information technology procurement lifecycle can be challenging and confusing. The General Service Administration's Government-wide IT Accessibility Program Director, John Sullivan, accessibility expert Andrew Nielson, and NASA's Information Technology Program Manager and Section 508 expert Betsy Sirk will provide information on how to position federal agencies to ensure accessible information and communications technologies (ICT) are procured and managed for their agencies. Presenters will address how to establish accessibility requirements, what contract terms and conditions are important to include in a solicitation, how to evaluate vendor claims for accessibility, and how to manage through the contract life and ensure that ICT remains accessible as software or websites versions are upgraded and contracts are modified.

Continuing Education Recognition Available

Certificate Credit hours
Certificate of Attendance 1.5


Andrew Nielson, Director of the Government-wide IT Accessibility Program, Office of Government-wide Policy , General Services Administration

Betsy Sirk, Information Technology (IT) Program Manager, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

John Sullivan, Government-wide Section 508 Program Director, GSA

Questions for presenters:

1 Would sample language be provided? Example PWS or SOW?
2 At a local city level, can these same processes be put in place. My city is very departmentalized with no single purchasing office or oversight. No ADA coordinator or anyone taking responsibility for ADA requirements to be met by the city (such as for chairs that don't cripple you after 1 hour of a 2 hour meeting), or any related contracts such as by consultants designing public spaces and designing non accessible benches and other features?
3 NIH does not have a formal policy or process for documenting, reviewing, and approving the revised 508 exceptions (i.e., E202.2 - E202.7). What recommendations do you have to engage NIH in moving on this and/or recommendations to remain compliant when addressing legitimate exceptions while no policy or process is in place?
4 What accessibility standards are applicable when the deliverables are primarily PDF reports/and or word documents and data? What is the best practice for identifying these standards using ART?

Session Questions

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