Ann Deschamps, Ed.D.

Vice President
TransCen Inc.


Dr. Deschamps is Vice President of TransCen Inc. whose mission is meaning work and community inclusion of people with disabilities. In this role, she consults with schools systems and others on best practices in transition and employment for youth with disabilities. In addition, she is Director of the Mid-Atlantic Americans with Disabilities Act Center, a project of TransCen. This includes implementation and coordination of the Center’s ADA Leadership Network (ADA-LN), a capacity building initiative supporting ADA trainers throughout the region. In addition to her extensive transition work, Dr. Deschamps provides training to people with disabilities, employers, state and local government personnel, non-profit organizations and private business on how the ADA applies to their unique situations. Her career has focused full implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and successful school to work transition for youth with disabilities.

Session History

09/15/2020 - Moving the Needle on Disability Employment